Friday, January 7, 2011

Stefan Calka - Romeo

It has now been three days of rehearsals for Romeo and Juliet. I will be dancing Romeo this time around. I have two beautiful and exquisite and unique Juliets to dance with. (Really, I think that Ron and Carinne are trying to spoil me. Two Juliets?! What more can a guy ask for.) The first thing that I was aware of beginning rehearsal was the music. Prokofiev’s score is wound with such lushness and textural sensations with whips of dissonance that remind you of the tragic story line. Dancing to it is completely rewarding. It is like breathing within water. It’s like being surrounded in a new denser atmosphere. The bass runs resound in the pit of your stomach. The Balcony Pas de Duex sounds how new love feels. One doesn’t have to act the role really. Nonetheless I have found my self in conversation with other dancers, when I might have a few minutes off, discussing intention of different characters. There is a Romeo as a character. There is a Juliet, and then that coupling happens in the pas de deuxs where you see Romeo and Juliet meshed as one. It’s very exciting to be surrounded by such a group of interested and dedicated artists, involved and thinking and living this ballet everyday. I’m grateful for this opportunity, the discovery it affords all of us, and excited everyday to go into the studio.


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